O nama
Firma je osnovana 1994. godine kao samostalna zanatsko trgovinska radnja Termomontelektro d.o.o. s ciljem vršenja usluga iz oblasti elektro struke, kao i trgovinom elektromaterijala i opreme.
Cene, kvalitet usluga i zadovoljni potrošači su podsticaj za naš stalni napredak. Tokom godina, a nakon mnogo napredovanja, ulaganja i profesionalnog ponašanja, stvorena je velika distributivna mreža u koju je uključeno na stotine kupaca i saradnika. Oni dolaze kako iz Srbije, tako i iz inostranstva.
Uspešno distribuiramo sopstveni brend Fluetess koji je nastao kao produkt rada našeg razvojnog tima.
Danas se možemo pohvaliti izložbenim salonom od 500m², magacinskim prostorom od preko 1500m², kao i sa dva maloprodajna objekta. Uvek smo težili i težimo da stalno proširujemo naš asortiman, tako da danas raspolažemo sa preko 40000 artikala iz oblasti elektromaterijala i opreme, rasvete, ventilacije, grejanja, rezervnih delova za belu tehniku kao i opreme za rashladne sisteme.
Od sada je ovaj brend visokog kvaliteta dostupan u našoj distributivnoj mreži – Fluetess.
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The company was founded in 1994. as an independent shopping and retail object Termomontelektro d.o.o, with the aim of providing services in the field of electrical profession, as well as trade-in electrical materials and equipment.
Price, quality of service, and satisfied customers are the incentive for our continued progress. Over the years, and after a lot of development and investment, a large distribution network has arisen, involving hundreds of customers and associates. They come from both Serbia and the rest of the world.
We successfully distribute our personal brand Fluetess, which was created as a product of hard work of our development team.
Today, we take pride in a 500m² showroom, a warehouse space of over 1500m², as well as two retail outlets. We have always strive to expand our product range; nowadays, we have over 40.000 items in the field of electrical materials and equipment, lighting, ventilation, heating, spare parts for household appliances, and equipment for refrigeration systems.
As of now, this high-quality brand is available in our distribution network - Fluetess.